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Lonely lamp post

Nature is the best designer

I am literally f​ascinated by the salt marshes. 

By observing them from above, you can behold the spectacular designs of Mother Nature. The intricate patterns, the actions and reactions of the elements which all blend together to form a canvas which never fails to impress.
The aim is to display nature’s canvas in all it’s glory, creating a confusion in the eye of the beholder, marveling in their "painting-like” form.  The photos create a confusion between reality and illusion, photography and painting.

Discover my series of photographs entitled "Painting like", taken in the Camargue, most particularly above the salt marshes of Giraud and Aigues-Mortes, where the graphics was my priority.

The bright pink/orange colors are obtained thanks to the proliferation of a red seaweed: the Dunaliella salina.

The magic of the Biology, the Time and the Nature have here, for my work, a common goal: Art.

Being influenced and inspired by Rothko’s principles: relying on the primacy of raw emotion, to push the boundaries of form and color, my photos could be closed to an abstract configuration of bands of colors, of unequal widths, seen from the air.

"Painting like" is a series of photos taken with my head and my camera pointing directly downwards, on board an ULM.

Je suis particulièrement fascinée par les marais salants.

En les observant d'en haut, on peut admirer les créations spectaculaires de Dame Nature. Les motifs complexes, les actions et les réactions des éléments se mélangent pour former une toile qui ne manque jamais d’impressionner.

Mon objectif est de présenter la Nature dans toute sa splendeur, de créer la confusion dans l’œil du spectateur et de s’émerveiller face une image "semblable à une peinture", de créer une confusion entre réalité et illusion, photographie et peinture.

Je vous laisse découvrir ma série de photos intitulée "Painting like", prises en Camargue, plus particulièrement au dessus des salins de Giraud et d'Aigues-Mortes, où la graphisme fut ma priorité.

Les couleurs vives rose/orangées sont obtenues grâce à la prolifération d'une algue rouge : la Dunaliella salina.

La magie de la Biologie, du Temps et de la Nature ont ici, pour mon travail, un but commun: l'Art.

Influencée et inspirée par les principes de Rothko, je m’appuie sur la primauté de l’émotion brute et repousse les limites des formes et des couleur.

Mon travail photographique pourrait être assimilé à une configuration abstraite de bandes horizontales, faites de couleurs différentes et de largeurs inégales, vues du ciel.

"Painting like" est une série de photos prise avec mon appareil photo et ma tête face au sol, à bord d'un ULM.

Un grand merci au pilote / Huge thanks to the pilote Jean-Marc FABRE

All photographs are my own work & are mine.



My Video "Painting-like" 

done for EXPOSURE Photo Festival - USA



"A painting is not a picture of an experience, it is an experience." – Mark Rothko

I deeply think we should all do with a bit more of Rothko’s principles in our way to photograph: insisting on the primacy of raw emotion, to push the boundaries of form and color to make photos appear as "painting-like" as possible.




When we come to an unknown crossroad, we have different paths in front of us: hardest or easier. We have to decide which way to go. It is up to us to choose our destiny, our destination.
Whenever we are facing with a big decision to make, we should take time to think over things which would help us to take decisions that are most in alignment with our authentic self.

Auntomnal road


The magic of Biology, Time and Nature can create amazing landscapes, where the boundary between macrocosm and microcosm becomes a question of scale, especially from the air.

The power of the Nature is unsuspected, stunning.

  • 1st Price Category Landscape for the contest organized by "Impression Panoramique"


Rose camarguais



The Camargue, in Southern France, is home to more than 400 species of birds, including flamingos. You can see on the left flying above the pink salt marshes. This is something truly special. It offers a unique insight into the park's wildlife and offers stunning possibilities in terms of landscape photography.

  • Finalist of  "The Independent photographer" for the category ‘Landscape Photography’ theme competition - March 2017



Colors of Camargue


  • Nominated Honorable Mention by Color Photography Awards - Aerial Category


Website created by ©Magali CHESNEL 2016

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