Awards & Exhibitions

Reminders Photography Stronghold & Life Framer
in Tokyo in August
Details to follow
Stonemill Office Park
300 Acacia Road
Greenstone House
Johannesburg 2195 - South Africa
From 3 March to 31 May, 2025
L’Abécédaire du Sénat
Jardin du Luxembourg
Rue de Médicis - Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris - France
From 25 January to 16 March, 2025
Head On Photo Festival
Slideshow played at the iconic Bondi Pavilion, Sydney
November 8th-27th, 2024
International Photography Awards
Foto Fiesta, Athens
November 21st-23rd, 2024
TV Report on ARTE - February 2024:
"Leur Camargue, baromètre de la montée des eaux"
Charente-Maritime : les parcs de culture d'huître vus du ciel.
French economic magazine.
October 27th 2022 to 15th January 2023
Auberge Cavaliére du Pont des bannes
Route d'Arles, D570
13460 Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer - France
September 10th and 11th 2022
"L'homme et sa terre"
34230 Vendémian - France
1st Audience Award
March 31st - April 3rd 2022
31 Pl. Kléber
67000 Strasbourg - France
April 16th - July 15th 2021
Musée des Arts et Métiers
60 rue Réaumu
75003 Paris - France
Safran et Wipplay, in partnership with Sciences et Avenir and the Museum of Arts et Métiers.
TV Report on France5, November 2020
"La Camargue en liberté"
October 3rd - December 5th 2020
20 Avenue de la Douane
11430 Gruissan
"La nature des choses"
June 15th - August 31st 2020
Les Jardins du Musée de l'Annonciade
2 Place Georges Grammont
83990 Saint Tropez / France
July 2nd -25th 2020
PhotoPlace Gallery
3 Park Street
Middlebury VT 05753 / USA
January 07 - February 2nd 2020
99 Boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris - FR
January 2 - 25, 2020
3 Park Street
Middlebury VT 05753
November 20 -24, 2019
P.O.Box 2123
Seddiqi Holding Headquarters
Al Thanya Street, Umm Al Sheif
Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai - UAE
November 7 - December 1, 2019
Building M1, Suite 140
777 S Alameda St.
Los Angeles, CA 90021
October 21, 2019
Splashlight Studios
75 Varick Street
New York, NY 10013 - USA
October 3rd -November 24th, 2019
Palazzo Ca' Zanardi
Cannaregio 4132
30121 Venice - Italy
September 15th to December
22 rue Saint-Pierre
60000 Beauvais - France
Advertising in the bus stops of France during the summer and in Arles, during the "Rencontres de la Photographie" from July 1st to 7th.
THE FENCE is one of the largest traveling photography exhibitions organized during the summer, reaching 8 million visitors annually through open air experiences in 8 cities across North America:
1 Brooklyn Bridge Park | Brooklyn, New York
2 Memorial Park | Houston, Texas
3 Waterfront Seattle, Washington
4 SoWA | Boston, Massachusetts
5 Nathan Benderson Park | Sarasota, Florida
6 Atlanta, Georgia
7 Denver, Colorado
8 Calgary, Canada
There are seven thematic categories: Streets, People, Home, Play, Nature (including my series: "Painting like), Food and Creatures.
City center of Saint-Tropez / France
June 1st - August 31st
March 7th - April 6th
PhotoPlace Gallery
3 Park Street
Middlebury VT 05753 / USA
January 17th to March 30th
Maison des Arts du Léman
4 bis, avenue d’Evian
74203 Thonon-les-Bains / France
Salon de la Photo & LaboPhotos
Paris - Porte de Versailles
November 8th to 12th
Travel Photographer Society
Port Pirie / Australia
Sept. 15th to Oct. 28th
PX3 - Prix de la Photographie, Paris
Espace Beaurepaire
Paris / France
July 10th to 14th
Private floor 8th and 9th
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Genève / Switzerland
June 14th to December 31st
3 Park St, Middlebury
VT 05753 / USA
May 30th to June 23rd
Head On Photo Festival 2018
Parliament NSW Sydney / Australia
May 4th - Opening of the festival
International Photo Exhibition - ETHEREAL
Espace des Arts Sans Frontières
44 Rue Bouret
Paris / France
May 11th, 12th & 13th
Travel Photographer Society
White box MAPKL
Kuala Lumpur / Malaisia
April 26th-29th
Konsul Knudtzonsgate 4B
6509 KRISTIANSUND / Norway
April 25th-29th
Mucem at Marseille, Arles, Aubagne, Istres, Martigues, Salon de Provence, Cassis, Istre, Miramas / France
Feb 14th to Sept 1st.
Salon de la Photo - Impression Panoramique
Nov 9th to 13th - Paris / France
The Independent Photographer - Berlin annual Photo Exhibition
4th to 9th October
Galerie Eigenheim Weimar/Berlin
Asbachstrasse 1
99423 Weimar / Germany
From July 14th to 16th
Annual exhibition from 12th au 27th November
Meyrin / Switzerland
"Quand la photo devient picturale"
Town Hall of Ferney-Voltaire / France
Nyon / Switzerland
With Klavdij SLUBAN & the Gallery Focale
Salon de la Photo Paris - Chronoshooting
«La Source d’Allondon»
Championnat de France de Photo Chronoshooting
Paris / France
«Regards sur Genève»
Agence ABA Immobilier
Ferney-Voltaire / France
Four Seasons Editors' pick
Head On Foundation
Semi-finalist Landscape
Winner Non-professional Nature, Wildlife - 2nd place
Winner aerial category - 3rd place
Finalist "Color Photography" competition
Honorable mention - Category Aerial and Wildlife
2nd prize "Pink on pink"
Honorable mention - Category Series Wildlife:
"Pink on..."
1st Place Aerial Category
2 honorable mentions Aerial Category
Finalist Online Gallery - Colors
International Color Awards - 15th annual Edition
Honorable mention - Aerial Category
Rank n°3 Endorphine
2 Bronze ranking - Nature
Rank n°3 Consommation
9 nominations: Seascape, Landscape, Wildlife/Animals
Rank n°2 France's Top 10 Landscape photographers 2020
Part of the Editors Pics - Open Call
Winner Photograph of the year 2019 - 1st place
Honorable Mention in Nature: Aerial category
Winner 2020 PX3, Silver Category "Special"
2 honorable mentions - Category Aerial
2nd place, Category "Other"
Finalist Premium Class "Les couleurs de la vie"
Honorable mention Nature 2020
Finalist Water: Element of change
Semi-finalist of the Head On Landscape Award 2020
6 Honorable mentions - Category Aerial
Finalist - Abstraction
CEWE PHOTO AWARD Edition 2018-2019
Winner 31st-500 rank - "1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep..."
Rank #1 - France's Top 10 Landscape Photographers 2019
3rd place
3 honorable mentions - Category People/Other, Self-Portrait and Nature/Wildlife
Finalist - Category Wildlife & Animals
Winner - Category Portrait - 3rd place
Honorable mention - Category Aerial
Winner - 1st National Award "La Ville devant nous"
Winner / Nature Category
Honorable Mention Street Category / Mobile Phone
Winner May - Nature
Finalist of the 5th Edition - Contrast Contest
Honorable mention / Aerial Category
Silver - Landscape / Aerial Category
Finalist "A color moment"
Magazine PHOTO
Winner - Category Art & Graphisme
Edition Jan-Feb page 87
Elected "Emerging Talent of 2018".
Book 2018 Talents of the Year
Merit Award Photo contest "Shapes"
Finalist - Category Landscape
Catalogue Awards 2018
2 Silver Awards - Category Nature
Finalist with "Painting-like"
PX3 - Prix de la Photographie Paris
Finalist - Gold - Category Nature/Landscape
Travel Photographer Society
Finalist - Category Landscape
Finalist - Contest "Full coloured"
Competitions for Photographers
Finalist - Category Landscape
Finalist - Contest "Water"
Exhibition catalog for Water, page 15.
Finalist - Contest "Vu d'en haut"
PHOTO Magazine
Finalist - Category Landscape of the 37th Edition of the Biggest Photo Contest.
Edition Jan-Feb 2018, page 88.
Finalist - Category Landscape.
Photo published in the "Talents of the Year 2016-2017"
1st place category Trees - 10th annual edition of the IPPAwards (photos taken with iPhone)
Finalist Amateur Nominee - Category Landscape
My series "Landscape can be like a famous painting" featured in the Life Framer's Collection.
"The walk of flamingos" - "At the crossroads" and "Painting like" selected by the Editors for the Nature Photographer of the year 2017.
1st place - Category color
Edition June 2017.
Winner contest "Space" organized by Lense & Lexar.
Impression Panoramique
1st place - Category Landscape
Winner - Category - Animal Biggest Photo Contest in the World
Edition Jan.-Feb. 2017.
My series "Colored roads" selected by the Editors and included into the Gallery of the Emerging Talent Contest LensCulture Awards 2016
4 honorable mentions in 4 categories:
Lifetstyle, Still Life, Natur and People
«Cow Parade»
.Winner in Monaco with:
«The Bullish Cow», realized for Merrill Lynch
.Winner in Geneva with:
« Simmen’Cow», realized for the Grande Boucherie du Molard
1st Place - Holiday drawing